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Главная » 2012 » Декабрь » 7 » Face Constructed Collection (скачать видеоуроки цифровой живописи) построение лиц, портретный рисунок
Face Constructed Collection (скачать видеоуроки цифровой живописи) построение лиц, портретный рисунок

Face Constructed Collection
573 MB

В данном видеоуроке рассматриваются основы цифровой живописи, а именно быстрое, простое и эффективное создание лица человека в трех разных ракурсах (портретный рисунок).

Face Constructed 1

Description: LEVEL: Beginners - Intermediates

In this tutorial, you will learn the foundation of digital painting. Either you are new to or familiar with digital painting, this Premium Video Tutorial is your fast-track to take your skill to the next level. You will learn the Quick, Easy, and Effective method to create six female faces in FRONT, SIDE, and THREE QUARTER VIEWS. Then you will learn multiple ways to construct female head from very basic structure to fully render facial structure using either lines or values to achieve the final result. You will also learn how to manipulate shape and form within the value ranges to change it into any unique set of facial features.

I have spend years, as a concept artist, developing fast and efficient way to create facial feature for various character designs. I've acquired its core principle for you in this easy to follow Premium Video Tutorial. This complete set will get you going quickly and provide you the right direction to further develop your craftmanship. If you are new to portrait drawing, my tutorial will make a massive improvement in your drawing skill. Even if you are good, this tutorial is guaranteed to boost your knowledge and skill to the next level.


01) Face construction using line drawing.
02) Establishing light and shadow.
03) Basic edges and dealing with hair.
04) Working with soft and hard edges.
05) Using values to create face.
06) Arranging and manipulating shapes.
07) Face construction using line.
08) Manipulate simple values and edges using custom brushes.
09) Constructing face from 3/4 view.
10) Arranging features, shapes and forms.
11) Establishing values and finish up.
12) Creating and finish facial structure using basic values.
13) Constructing face from side view.
14) Creating and finish facial structure using basic values.

Face Constructed II - Painting Portraits

Description: LEVEL: Intermediate * Required that you have watched Face Constructed I first.

This tutorial will explain how to paint portraits or faces in variety of point of view and styles. You will also learn how to manipulate shape and form within the value ranges to change it into any unique set of facial features. Learn how to arrange skintones and balance color temporatures. Using cool and warm color as an effective tool to balance the portrait illustration. In this FEATURE TUTORIAL, you will learn to digitally paint female head (face) from three different face samples and be able to paint facial structures using eithercolor, values and shape to achieve the final result.

I have spend years, as a concept artist, developing fast and efficient way to create facial feature for various character designs. I've acquired its core principle for you in this easy to follow Premium Video Tutorial. This complete set will get you going quickly and provide you the right direction to further develop your craftmanship. If you are new to portrait painting, my tutorial will make a massive improvement in your digital painting skill. Even if you are good, this tutorial is guaranteed to boost your knowledge and skill to the next level.

If you are NEW, my tutorial is a fast-track to make a dramatic difference in your art skill. Even if you are good, this course is guaranteed to boost you to the NEXT LEVEL. This DOWNLOADABLE TUTORIAL, I will show you how EASY it is to develop your initial sketch into a fully rendered and painted in a sexy female character in realistic conceptual art style. The main focus of this tutorial will be a front view painting of a female figure. IF YOU ARE trying to improve your female drawing, rendering, and coloring.


01) Color palette explain in depth.
02) Establishing lines and blocking in values.
03) Skintones and color temporatures.
04) Painting face using color, balance cool and warm.
05) Painting hair and finishing up a portrait.
06) Profile Portrait Painting.
07) Establishing skintone and values.
08) Balancing soft edges and hard edges..
09) Painting dark hair and finishing up.
10) Three Quarter View Portrait painting.
11) Establishing values and finish up.
12) Arranging features, shapes and forms.
13) Blocking in, arranging colors and values.
14) Painting blonde hair.
15) How to paint skintone variations.
16) COLORs and TEXTUREs.
17) Simplify and Finish Up.

Face Constructed III - Male Facial Concept Design

Description: LEVEL: Beginners - Intermediates

Finally, the tutorial will explain how to paint MEN's portraits or faces use in character concept design from idrawgirls? Yes, you heard it right! This tutorial will demonstrate how to draw and paint men's face in character concept design for games, animation, or illustration. Simple theories and ideas that will help you ease and excel your process when designing character concept. You will also learn how to manipulate shape and form within the value ranges to change it into any unique set of facial features. Learn how to arrange skintones and balance color temporatures. Using cool and warm color as an effective tool to balance the portrait illustration. In this FEATURE TUTORIAL, you will learn to digitally paint type cast male head (face) from four different faces samples and be able to paint facial structures using eithercolor, values and shape to achieve the final result.

I have spend years, as a concept artist, developing fast and efficient way to create facial feature for various character designs. I've acquired its core principle for you in this easy to follow Premium Video Tutorial. This complete set will get you going quickly and provide you the right direction to further develop your craftmanship. If you are new to portrait painting, my tutorial will make a massive improvement in your digital painting skill. Even if you are good, this tutorial is guaranteed to boost your knowledge and skill to the next level.


01) Construction lines and Block in Values.
02) Define Facial Structure using values.
03) Skintones and color temporatures.
04) Establishing 3/4 View Face.
05) Arranging Values.
06) Between cool and warm.
07) Establishing 3/4 View old man's face.
08) Apply color over values.
09) Face stylize and exaggerated.
10) Structure, Color, Temperature.

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Категория: Видеокурсы/Видеоуроки | Просмотров: 561 | Добавил: alexey1x | Теги: painting tutorials, Уроки рисования, портретный рисунок, Drawing, цифровая живопись, Face Constructed, видеоурок, art | Рейтинг: 5.0/1

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